Friday, January 14, 2011

What's your sign?

If you haven't read/ heard the news, Parke Kunkle who is part of the Minnesota Planetarium Society, unintentionally screwed with people's horoscopes.  Alignment of the starts, East vs. West, moon, gravitational pull, tippy Earth...  As written by Melissa Bell from the Washington Post: "Kunkle is an astronomer who is not too keen on the practice of astrology. When asked by telephone if the new star locations now require us all to switch our loyalty to a new sign, he demurred. "I can tell you what the science is, but I'm not going to tell you what your personality is based on the location of things."" 

So what?  By everybody's reaction, this is a big what.  We have all grown up knowing our astrological sign, sometimes hiding behind it: 'well, I'm a Capricorn, so that's why I'm shy'. I know that when our daughter was born, she was a Leo, and from the beginning we would say, 'holy cow, she is such a Leo!'.   

As I've been playing around with this today, I was actually kind of excited to have the opportunity to change my sign.  Though I know very little about what the signs all mean, I do know that Sagittarius (which would be my new sign if we actually changed, which we aren't b/c of east west alignment with the 4th flower to the left of the last moon on the 10th day of summer???)... sorry, as I was saying, Sagittarius fits me to a "T", unlike Capricorn, which is more like a lower case "t".

A lot of people are freaking out!!  I would watch status updates and comments, and many people would play the "God card" (this is God's way of saying that you need to believe in Him and none of this stuff that has been around for 2000 years), or the "I don't believe in this, but I'm totally not a Gemitariuscorn".  The resistance to change is everywhere.

This whole thing has totally gotten out of hand, thank you media!  But the great lesson that is coming from this is: look at how many people are so resistant to change.  This may seem like a small thing, but it's not.  We identify with our signs, even if we don't believe.  But, why is change so bad?  It gets you out of your box, out of your zone, makes you learn something new, helps you move forward instead of standing still and being... well... the same.

If you're happy being the same, then that's totally fine, and blessings to you!  However, for those who itch to change/shift, but just cannot get the courage to jump, or at least put your little toe in the water, you can do it!  It takes courage, you will run into people and the "doubty doubters" in your head that spend a lot of energy trying to convince you that change is bad.  To them say "thank you for loving me so much that you are concerned about me getting hurt, but I am ready to grow, get back on my journey, start a new journey, and the only way I can do it is to jump.  I may fall flat on my face, but at least I tried... and I'll try again."

So, what's your sign?  More importantly, what's keeping you from shifting your "sign"?

Loves and hugs, from a Capri-tarius! =)

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