Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Ha, not just a band!

I'm working with a results coach right now, doing a series of calls, then going to a live session in April.  Though I cannot reveal what his courses are about, I can say this: A-Ha.  Oprah made this little phrase very popular!  So popular that a lot of people started to make fun of it, not take it seriously, all that jazz.  I've had several "a- ha" moments throughout the calls, and this one just added to the other ones.  Why am I paying such close attention to them right now?  Because I'm in the thick of learning some wonderful new things... Here's the thing, what's going to happen once these calls end, tomorrow? 

A-Ha's are awesome!  A-Ha's are also not the easiest thing to pay attention to during your everyday life, but that can change.  All you have to do is pay attention.  Pay attention to what you're saying, what you're reading, what you're doing, how you're going about your day.  Are there things that are making you crazy but you can't figure out why?  Take note, so that when you are in a comfortable and quiet spot, you can go deep and find some answers.  I really believe in Intuitive Guidance, where you can be in a loving, comfortable environment, and journal with your Intuitive self.  Ask Spirit (or whatever your definition is)... and then listen, let your hand naturally write across the page.  You'll be amazed at what comes up. It's not always going to work, and that's ok.  But when it does, it's... love!  Ever since I began working with Sage, I realized that we have the answers within us, it's just being able to pull them out.  It's a process that takes time, love, guidance, and being.  It has taken me a year to get where I am, but since last fall I really started to move forward b/c I finally took time to listen.

Love to all of you!  It's late so I'm rambling a bit, but complete for today. :)

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