Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving wish

Thanksgiving is upon us.  I had a realization last night that this could be my last Thanksgiving with my mother.  This is the first time that I've ever truly had this thought, even when she was in a very bad place during the past few years.  Yes, I'd say it, but this time is different for some reason...  It makes me incredibly sad to think about this, and I hope my instinct is wrong.  I've been remembering all the amazing times that I've had with her.  She is responsible for me being here instead of Tahiti.  She is responsible for me being a world traveler.  She's the reason why I hold France so near and dear to my heart.  She took me to all of my music lessons, ballet rehearsals, swimming, tennis and volleyball practices... She attended every single program I was in, with her camera at the ready. :)  She stood up for me, even though many times I didn't want her to.  She is my number fan!  I am very thankful that she is still with us, even though it's very stressful to see her age.  Honestly, the fact that she's 90 (yes, you read that correctly, 90!), and she is here to see her grandchildren is really awesome!!  

My wish for everyone during the holiday season and beyond, is that we are able to see the beauty in our lives, even if we are going through tough times.  It's REALLY difficult to do at times, so lean of friends and family, your faith, whatever it takes so that you can take great care of yourself!  Treat yourself with kindness and love.

I wish you peace.


Sage said...

Very beautifully said. Thanksgiving wishes to you also.

Jessica McCoy said...

Thanks, Ama! This is such a great tribute to your Mom.

There is much to be grateful for. Peace to you, too!