Monday, November 22, 2010

How I got back on the train

Welcome to my blog!  Here's a little bit of background on how in the world I got back on my journey train... I've pretty much been running next to it, or mostly behind it, for most of my life...until now!

I'm finding that a lot of people around the world are looking for their purpose in life, including me. I had come to the conclusion that I was going to be a stay at home mom, and that's it.  It works for some mom's, but I consider that title "unintentional" in my world, though I come to find that it was pretty "intentional"on a much higher level.

I was very lucky to be able to work around my husbands schedule.  When our daughter was born in '07, it was perfect!  One of us would always be home. Then, just before giving birth to our son at the beginning of '09, the retail store that I worked at for almost 6 years was outbid for its spot, thus leaving me storeless, and jobless.  

Besides his birth, 2009 was the most awful year of my life!  We now had 2 kids under the age of 2, the panic of becoming a one income household, the stress of my husband working himself literally into the ground to keep a roof over our heads... and then... I was thrust into my mother's world due to her age and health.  I came to find that the responsibilities that she said she had "taken care of" were not, and we're talking years of "not".  I went from a mom of a newborn and 1.5 year old, to a daughter of a mom who had a lot of people telling her what to do, not listening to us, and therefore not being able to trust any of them.  I was attempting to run 2 households, with no sleep, hardly any support, so much stress that I would be in tears all the time, while still keeping up appearances even though my life felt like it was collapsing right underneath me.    

Towards the beginning of fall '09, I met somebody who would help me regain control of the cyclone that was my mom's life, as well as mine.  She showed up when I had literally given up.  During our initial meeting, I was completely exhausted, crying at every sentence, embarrassed that I had no idea what the hell I was doing, the list goes on.  But, she said: "You need help with your mom, and that's why I'm here, because I've been working with the elderly for years.  You don't have to do this alone anymore".
That was when the conductor said: "All aboard!"

Whew!  I honestly hate writing about that!!  It always takes me back to a place that was...well... really crappy!  The important thing is that I learned SO much from 2009.  My husband and I would remark how "lucky" it was that I didn't have a job, because I would not have been able to handle everything.
So why am I sharing this?  Because this was the beginning of my journey.  I needed to learn a lot of lessons, which I believe needed to be learned before I was truly ready to get on the train of sorts.  It also gave me such an appreciation for what I am so incredibly blessed to have!

Lessons:  The lessons were not truly learned until I started to gain the tools to understand them.  When things finally began to settle, I decided that I needed to make some money, but I knew that I didn't want another J-O-B.  I began to look at home based businesses.  Within a month of beginning my search, my friend Kate posted a status update on her Facebook which intrigued me.  It was about a home based business that she had joined.  I reached out to her, and she did the same.  We spoke, I tried samples (and fell in love with them), and I researched.   After a few months, I decided that the company was a lovely fit for me, and I joined.  I immediately fell in love with their training, more specifically, their training involving working on the self.  For you retailers out there, this might resonate with you:  I was shocked that a company wanted me to work on myself.  It was the most incredible thing that I had ever heard of, and quickly latched on.

Through my uplines, I began getting on conference calls with a "results coach" named Michael Bernoff  Holy crap!  Talk about a guy who makes his living on helping others make theirs!  I did a great 5 day tele-course with him called "Call To Action", which put the key into the door to my journey.  Little did I know what was going to happen towards the end of the summer....

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